• Music for non-Musicians. Inspired by Prof Stefan Kölsch Good Vibrations.

    May: Friday 19th – Sunday 21th. This workshop aims to fulfil desires. Desires around music, sound and composing. Have you been interested in making music but have you been giving up, thinking you are not “talented”? Did you feel the rhythm but couldn`t catch up? Have you been worried that music is not for you,…

  • Volksküche @EAR

    May: 19th. We will be cooking and breaking bread together at EAR starting at 19.00. Join us, bring you friends and your instruments.

  • Aeolian Harp

    On the beach of Peng Chau, I found an amount of waste to produce a Windharp on the spot. With little tools I made a construction and put it up, up in the wind. In the end it looked like a CCTV camera watching in direction HK – with the found furr I could make…

  • UROŠ – Temperature and Carbon-levels monitored

    While we were talking about the next proposal and the “bigger” picture, Marc was assembling the UROŠ sensor, well documented here: https://www.hackteria.org/wiki/UROS Now we are monitoring not only indoor temperature, also carbon levels and humitity is closely observed. Check it out yourself if you like https://thingspeak.com/channels/1718702 THANKS MARC!!! https://thingspeak.com/channels/1718702

  • Proposal Retreat !!! Jan 7th-13th 2023

    Do you like writing proposals?Or is it a burden that separates your meaningful goal/challenge/piece you want to achieve and the time you have for it? Whether art, science or environmental challenges – these proposals need elaboration to get through and honour successfully their purpose. By joining this retreat it will encourage a warm get together…

  • Insight from inside Oct 23rd @ 18:27h

    23. 10. 2022 – 18.27h Location: Hasenlehnmattestr. 3 , 3555 Trubschachen On October 23rd, the first of a series of projects developped by Kaspar König (Environmental Artistic Research) and Dorothea Trauffer (Stiftung Hasenlehn) will be opened just after sunset (18.27h), accompanied by the Alphorn Trio «I Cornuti». Duration: 23. 10. 2022 – 6. 1. 2023…

  • Piano Improvisation in EAR _23.7.22_18-20h

    Simon Redfern initiated this Piano Improvisation. Farah Mullah might come. Kaspar König joins the session and you`re welcome to join.

  • LAIR – retreat – May 1st- 5th 2022

    The musicians from the Jatiwangi Art Factory are in EAR to prepare for their show in the Dokumenta 15 in Kassel. Thanks to Dominique Lämmli from ZHdK the tribal musicians are playing every day in their community based practice. If you want to check their full agenda and concerts in Switzerland check this site.

  • EAR-birth

    So slowly we are able to listen to you, thanks to the Website for EAR. We opened the WordPress blog and we hope you will become member! Environmental Artistic Research might become an umbrella for my activities combined with those of the many scientists, farmers and artists that I would love to see in the…


  • EAR Calendar

    In order to see project-dates, planning and availabilities, EAR added its calendear to the site.

    EAR Calendar
