EAR. Environmental. Artistic. Research

Welcome to the website of the nonprofit organisation EAR – located in Switzerland

Join Us as membEAR

If you are already a member, fill in your data to login:

If not, have you considered becoming a member of EAR? A membEAR?
Your membership lets EAR grow – communitywise and for sure also in knowledgetransfer for the future. Meaning: sharing and caring for the growing things that offset carbon, that make sense to our world, big and small. EAR brings joy to the community you support and playfully provokes to listen to eachother. Your membership makes a difference and sends out a signal of hope into the creative sustainable world of tomorrow.

There is 3 levels of membership at this moment:

E – for easy membership – CHF 50,- /Y

just have a look if this is something you like and want to support. 50 Chf / year for the community to grow. This supports basics and the infrastructure to continue the hosting of events, projects and workshops. You are always welcome to visit and you get Newsletter and special updates. Click the E below

A – for advanced membership – CHF 100,- /Y

in EAR you are offered a free participation in an Event, Workshop or projectpart. So no extra fee is needed to totally enjoy what is happening inside and deep in the belly of EAR and its members. For 100 Chf / year there is already serious growth going on. It enables the association to bring and foster projects to the EAR community and combine bits an pieces to sustainable developments. You help the imaginEARs to land their ideas and prototypes on fertile soil. Click the A below

R – as in Relief – From 200 CHF onwards

a donation that (is going to be Tax-deductable and) helps EAR to really set its sails to the transformatory vision (and ausion) that we need, to tackle humanmade trouble. Therefore EAR can grow to deepen human relationships in all directions. The relief in pressure of funding and proposal writing is one part. In return your relief is shaped by us offering you a great treat in EAR with an overnight stay, a concert, a participation in any project and for sure a tree being planted on a spot on EARth that needs it.  (we partner up for this – see link page) Click the R below

And of course a banktransfer will be also accepted and dated as the day of the start of your membership. Just let us know which E/A/R membership you want to have. By wiring directly to this account, we plant a tree (with USF) since we avoid fees of thirdparty-paymenttechnology.


Contribute to EAR at the Alternative Bank Schweiz


Verein EAR,

Werikonweg 6, CH-8006 ZH

We are ready to welcome you on board!

Kröschenbrunnen | Emmental – CH | share@ear.education

made with love in EAR
